Frequently asked questions

Netpump Data


How do these types of applications compare with and operate using Netpump Data?

Netpump Data operates on a different level to these SD-WAN applications. Netpump Data can be used with or without SD-WAN application overlays, resulting in additional performance improvements when used with SD-WAN. Netpump Data improves the efficiency of each network connection (where it is installed at both origin and destination).

Netpump Data does not alter the information that is sent across a network connection, whether SD-WAN managed or otherwise. The information relevant to operating in an MPLS, SD-WAN or other environments is retained in the IP header of each data packet encoded and sent by Netpump Data, Netpump Data’s operation is transparent to these higher level applications. These higher level applications still work and perform in the same fashion, but Netpump Data allows each of the connections under the control of these applications to work more efficiently.

Netpump Data is expected to be typically installed to encode the data packet before reaching the origin SD-WAN hardware and similarly on the destination device. Each connection under the control of the SD-WAN application is able to work at the higher level of connection efficiency unlocked by Netpump Data.

Netpump Data is agnostic as to the network or connection environment in which it is applied. It enhances the data transmission efficiency of all data traffic using TCP protocol across any network connection whether LAN, WAN, MPLS, VPN, radio, satellite, cable, etc.

Other software only solutions for accelerated file transfer, such as Aspera and Hightail, require client files to be first uploaded to their servers in order to access their high-speed file transfer service. There are obvious limitations to this type of service offering.

Pacbyte Software is not aware of any software only offerings that allow direct origin to destination file transfers such as provided in the Netpump Data core functionality. Pacbyte Software have not come across nor been informed of software only solutions that may have similar performance and implementation benefits provided by Netpump Data.


Isn’t Netpump Data just like a compression tool?

Netpump Data’s core capabilities and performance improvement do not involve file compression at all. The material performance improvements unlocked by Netpump Data are a genuine increase in the transmission efficiency for a given size file across a network connection.


How can Netpump Data improve network connection efficiency when the internet itself employs the use of an MTU to determine optimal file packet size for transfer?

Netpump Data utilises a number of proprietary features in addition to varying the packet size for transmission. The setting of optimal MTU size is typically determined across a particular single connection which is not always relevant for others. Netpump Data does not alter the MTU setting, Nonetheless, Netpump Data’s approach to chunking and restitching a data file delivers enhanced transmission delivery efficiency over that facilitated through a simple MTU setting alone.


Does Netpump Data need to be installed at both origin and destination devices?

Yes. Netpump Data uses a proprietary process of "chunking" data files into optimal packet size for transmission, which then requires it to "restitch" the packets back together at the destination device to deliver the complete file without error.


Why use Netpump Data for fast file transfer needs when there are other "UDP with TCP/IP wrapper" applications that claim enhanced file transfer times?

Netpump Data delivers similar or superior file transfer times to these other applications but does not require the files to be first "uploaded" to dedicated servers to access these highspeed links. Further, whilst these applications build in the protection and benefit of TCP/IP wrappers that track and correct packet-loss (which does not otherwise occur with UDP only transfers), the use of UDP results in "crowding out" of any other applications that may be required or sought to be run in parallel on the destination (and often the origin) device. Netpump Data operates within fairuse measure guidelines, which is typically not the case for other applications. Netpump Data overcomes many of the challenges typically associated with TCP/IP, and delivers data faster on an open network than UDP does on a dedicated connection.


How is Netpump Data installed?

Netpump Data can be installed on remote devices in the same way as operating system and services upgrades are rolled out on a controlled basis by the customer.


How are major and minor updates made to Netpump Data installations?

As with updates to virus definitions and other security type of updates, major and minor updates to Netpump Data, should they arise, can be delivered to all managed devices across a network in a similar coordinated manner by the customer. Timing and need for implementation is not dictated and/or managed by Pacbyte Software, but by the customer once provided with the relevant update files.


Can Netpump Data be used for transfer of encrypted data?

Yes. Netpump Data does not "read" the data or files that are being transferred using its protocol. Encrypted files will be delivered to the destination device in the same encrypted form as they depart from the origin device. Netpump Data can also be configured to add an additional layer of up to 2048 bit encryption to either encrypted or unencrypted files.


Does Netpump Data create and use much overhead at each of the origin and destination devices?

No. Use of Netpump Data results in very little additional overhead on either origin or destination devices, overhead increase will still typically remain below 2%.


Does Netpump Data deliver performance benefits to low latency network connections?

Yes. Even on a low latency network connection of, say, 10mS, Netpump Data can improve connection efficiency by around 20-25%. In such applications, this benefit is really only noticeable at a user level when transferring very large files, although the network as a whole experiences noticeable productivity improvements.

High latency networks clearly deliver the most apparent benefits as the impact of retransmission time for correcting packet loss under TCP/IP is quite noticeable. Netpump Data does not change the probability of packet loss, but its approach to data packet transmission across multiple threads and restitching in cache at the destination device dramatically reduces the adverse environmental impacts of high latency network connections.


What impact does Netpump Data have on CPU usage at each of the origin and destination devices?

Netpump Data when idle, will effectively use 0% of CPU usage on both origin and destination devices. When maximum data transfer speeds are used with Netpump Data, then approximately 2% of CPU is used for the operation of Netpump Data. CPU usage will increase in addition to the operation of Netpump Data due to the increased amount of data being read from or written to I/O devices, and this will vary from system to system.


What is the file size of Netpump Data required to be installed at each location?

Typically, the fully flexible and functional version of Netpump Data is around 40MB in size. This file is required to be installed at all origin and destination devices between which network connectivity improvements are sought. Only one installation is required on a device, which allows Netpump Data to operate where the device is used as both an origin and destination device.

Netpump Data has two different files – one for an origin device and one for a client device, being approximately 60KB and 2MB in size respectively.

Paired down versions of each of Netpump Data and Netpump Video can be made available where "lite" versions are required for specific, typically Java based, applications. In these applications, Netpump Data’s file size can be brought down to a little over 100KB.


What is required to enable performance benefits to be delivered when interacting with cloud storage access to files?

Netpump Data is able to be configured for use on "cloud servers" which provide the subscriber with access to their root directory, and thereby permits the subscriber to install additional services on the cloud. This is an increasingly common functional capacity being offered by many leading cloud service providers, including AWS S3 amongst others.


Does Netpump Data need dedicated hardware to operate?

No. Netpump Data is a software only solution that can be installed on almost any existing device that meets the minimum operating system requirements outlined. Where required, a bespoke version of Netpump Data can be developed to work in specific environments and applications, such as those found in defence and intelligence market segments.


Does Netpump Data apply algorithms that can result in possible file errors at the destination?

No. Netpump Data simply "chunks" existing data files into smaller (or larger) packets for optimal transmission efficiency. This means that there is 100% certainty of the file content and structure arrived at the destination device. As noted above, the application of the Netpump Video lossless compression add-in also ensures 100% file delivery certainty without errors.


What is required for Netpump Data to operate on other types of links such as satellite, submarine cables, radio connections?

It is generally expected that Netpump Data will operate on any network connection that utilises TCP/IP communication protocol. Netpump Data applications have been developed to operate on a wide range of common operating system platforms, such as Linux, Windows and MacOS. Netpump Video applications have been developed to operate on Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android. If a particular connection operates on a different operating platform, then Pacbyte Software will be pleased to discuss this with you and determine whether the additional operating system can be accommodated.


What performance improvements from Netpump Data can be expected on radio connections?

Netpump Data will deliver similar performance improvements to those experienced in terrestrial communication links.

[18]Does Netpump Data create increased overhead when being via SSL connections due to the increased number of data packets?

SSL creates a small amount of additional overhead as it is applied to each file, or for Netpump Data, each data packet. The SSL overhead is broadly a function of the total file size. Consequently, the use of smaller data packets does not result in a material difference to this additional overhead, nor in the decryption processing load at the destination device.


Can and how does Netpump Data work on multi CPU routers?

Netpump Data operates as a service and does not directly interact with the lower level functionality that controls the operation of multi-CPU routers and servers.


Does Netpump Data require access to an open internet connection?

No. Netpump Data can operate on closed or open network environments where TCP/IP is used as the underlying network communication protocol.


Any there issues or possible implementation problems when deploying and/or using Netpump Data with Firewalls (or DDoS?)?

Netpump Data operates as a service, and as a service it will require permissions (inherited from the user) to access through Firewalls.


Can Netpump Data work and deliver benefits on both IP and Fibre Channel and are there any differences in its use between them?

Netpump Data delivers performance benefit improvement across all types of network connection. It is agnostic to the nature of the connection and environment in which it is applied.


Who determines the size of the data packet configuration and the number of threads?

For most installations, the customer will determine each of these in the settings that it applies to the installations of Netpump Data across its network. The size of the data chunk currently defaults to 10MB, but this is configurable down to 10KB. Similarly, the default number of threads is set at 8, but this can also be configured to a larger or smaller number as appropriate.


Does Netpump Data require the same data packet size and number of thread configuration on all machines across its network?

The same data packet size and number of threads must be consistent between origin and destination devices. If there are numerous connections across a network with differing origin and destination devices, then data packet size and number of threads may be varied between these devices.


Does Netpump Data need to operate via a GUI?

No. The GUI is provided as a simple interface for testing its use in customer environments. It is expected that most if not all customer installation will have Netpump Data built in to its operating environment as a service.


Can I direct file transfers between 2 remote machines?

Yes. If Netpump Data is installed on both remote machines, then control of files transferred between them can occur from a third location, using a common customer authorisation code.


Can I transfer to files to multiple destinations?

Yes, the transfers are made sequentially.


What happens if there is a crash during a file transfer operation?

If there is a drop in the connection or a crash, upon restarting Netpump Data will continue on with the file transfer from the last data packet copied. It does not require the entire file transfer to commence again. If the file transfer is paused, the current data packets being copied will complete before the process is paused.


What logging is available on the use of Netpump Data across a network?

Various levels of logging are available from verbose to minimal (including fatal) and are maintained in a localised file.


Can Netpump Data operate in other internet protocol environments, such as using FTP, UDP or RDP?

Netpump Data can be optimised to operate with other protocols, however the standard version is designed to operate on TCP only.


Can third parties access and direct file transfer if they have Netpump Data installed?

No. In addition to the expected firewall protection that a customer may have for protecting against third party access, Netpump Data requires the use of a common customer authorisation code at both origin destination devices. This customer authorisation code is set by the customer itself, and is not disclosed to or readily accessible by Pacbyte Software or any third party.


Have the performance claims of Netpump Data been independently tested?

Yes. To download independent testing conducted by Interactive, click here.

Netpump Video


Is Netpump Video compatible with current network configurations and the video formats I use?

Netpump Video does not alter the information that is sent across a network connection, whether SD-WAN managed or otherwise. The information relevant to operating in an MPLS, SD-WAN or other environments is retained in the IP header of each data packet retrieved by Netpump Video, Netpump Video’s operation is transparent to these higher level applications. These higher level applications still work and perform in the same fashion, but Netpump Video allows each of the connections under the control of these applications to work more efficiently.

Netpump VIDEO is agnostic as to the network or connection environment in which it is applied. It enhances the data transmission efficiency of all data traffic using TCP protocol across any network connection whether LAN, WAN, MPLS,


Isn’t Netpump Video just like a compression tool?

Netpump Video’s core capabilities and performance improvement do not involve file compression at all. The material performance improvements unlocked by Netpump Video are a genuine increase in the transmission efficiency for a given size file across a network connection.

For some video formats and video streaming application opportunities, further performance improvements can be achieved through the use of Netpump Video’s lossless compression add-in. Unlike other loss-less compression algorithms such as Raptor or Fountain, the algorithm used by Netpump Data is not a "predictive" based algorithm. This means that there is a 100% certainty of delivery of the full uncompressed file at the destination when using Netpump Video’s lossless compression add-in.


Does Netpump Video need to be installed at both origin and destination devices?

No. Netpump Video uses a proprietary process of "chunking" data files into optimal packet size prior to transmission for Fixed Bitrate Videos. For Adaptive Bitrate Videos the encoded TS files are used. If the Netpump Video Lossless Compression is applied, then as is the case with the Adaptive Bitrate Videos, the encoded files are used. In all cases a Manifest File (XML) is required for each video delivery. The Netpump Video SDK library files compiled into a current player will "restitch" and if required decompress the packets back together at the destination device to deliver the complete video without error.


How is Netpump Video installed?

Netpump Video comes as an SDK with the relevant library files to plug into current players on all major platforms. Once the libraries have been plugged in, manifest folders loaded and any compression required has been completed then the current method employed by distributors may be used. If compression is used, then the pathing to the manifest files will dictate if a compressed or non-compressed version of a video is to be delivered. The Netpump Video libraries will apply the relevant functionality. This means that a transition to a compressed format may be made in stages and is not required to be completed prior to implementation. It may also be the case that some content remains uncompressed whilst other content is compressed.


Does Netpump Video support DRM’s?

As Netpump Video is a delivery method for streaming video, DRM’s are not affected in anyway. For video files that have been compressed, the are decompressed on a client device and delivered to a player prior to any DRM verification. As a consequence even the compressed files are not affected by DRM’s.


Does Netpump Video support live video streaming?

Dependant on the form of live video streaming, Netpump Video may offer support. Contact Pacbyte with details of the architecture, and if possible they provide an implementation method.


Does Netpump Video support multiple delivery methods from one platform?

Yes, Netpump Video will support any configuration of FBR, ABR, ABR(Compressed) or Live Streaming (subject to point 6 above)


Which Codecs does Netpump Video support?

Netpump Video is agnostic to video Codecs, as it is a delivery method only to an existing player.


Does Netpump Video create and use much overhead at each of the origin and destination devices?

No. Use of Netpump Video results in no additional overhead on a server, with overhead on a client device reduced to approximately 7%, or if compression is used 7.1%. This is significantly less than overheads experienced using VLC or other similar video decoder plugins.


Does Netpump Video deliver performance benefits to low latency network connections?

Yes. Even on a low latency network connection of, say, 10mS, Netpump Video can improve connection efficiency by around 20-25%.

High latency networks clearly deliver the most apparent benefits as the impact of retransmission time for correcting packet loss under TCP/IP is quite noticeable. Netpump Video does not change the probability of packet loss, but its approach to data packet transmission across multiple threads and restitching in cache at the destination device dramatically reduces the adverse environmental impacts of high latency network connections.


What impact does Netpump Video have on CPU usage at each of the origin and destination devices?

Netpump Data when idle, will effectively use 0% of CPU usage on both origin and destination devices. When maximum data transfer speeds are used with Netpump Video, then approximately an additional 1% of CPU is used for the operation of Netpump Video on a client over that required by the player the library files have been plugged into. If compression is used, the a further 0.1% CPU usage is required. Using the default Netpump Video player, CPU usage on a client device is 7%.


What is the file size of Netpump Video required to be installed on each client device?

Typically, the fully flexible and functional version of Netpump Video is around 50KB in size.


Does Netpump Video require changes to my current distribution storage?

For ABR, the only change required on your storage is the addition of a manifest (XML) file in the root folder of each video, in the same way current manifest files are stored. The Netpump Video manifest file is of a similar size to the manifest files currently held.

For ABR Compressed, then additional storage is required for the compressed ABR files during the compression stage. Once the files have been compressed the original versions may be deleted. If they are required in an uncompressed state at a later date, as the compression is lossless, the original uncompressed file can be rebuilt on a storage device.

For FBR, dependant on the current storage structure, a restructuring of the files may be required. This restructuring, if required, will not increase the amount of storage currently used.


What is involved to compress my ABR files using the Netpump Video Compression?

The Netpump Video SDK ships with a simple tool that will compress your current H264 ABR TS content and place it in a separate folder.

Alternatively, Pacbyte can arrange for a third party to perform the compression for you. Contact Pacbyte for details.


How is a Netpump Video manifest created?

The Netpump Video SDK ships with a simple tool that will create and upload the manifest file.


Does Netpump Video need dedicated hardware to operate?

No. Netpump Video is a software only solution that can be installed on almost any existing device that meets the minimum operating system requirements outlined.


Does Netpump Video apply algorithms that can result in possible file errors at the destination?

No. Netpump Video simply "chunks" existing data files into smaller (or larger) packets for optimal transmission efficiency. This means that there is 100% certainty of the file content and structure arrived at the destination device. As noted above, the application of the Netpump Video lossless compression add-in also ensures 100% file delivery certainty without errors.


What is required for Netpump Video to operate on other types of links such as satellite, submarine cables, radio connections?

It is generally expected that Netpump Video will operate on any network connection that utilises TCP/IP communication protocol. Netpump Video applications have been developed to operate on Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android. If a particular connection operates on a different operating platform, then Pacbyte Software will be pleased to discuss this with you and determine whether the additional operating system can be accommodated.


What performance improvements from Netpump Video can be expected on radio connections?

Netpump Video will deliver similar performance improvements to those experienced in terrestrial communication links.


Does Netpump Video require access to an open internet connection?

For SVOD etc, then the answer is yes. Netpump Video can operate on closed or open network environments where TCP/IP is used as the underlying network communication protocol.


Any there issues or possible implementation problems when deploying and/or using Netpump Video with Firewalls (or DDoS?)?

Netpump Video operates as a plugin to an existing video player, and as such will inherit the players security.


Can Netpump Video work and deliver benefits on both IP and Fibre Channel and are there any differences in its use between them?

Netpump Data delivers performance benefit improvement across all types of network connection. It is agnostic to the nature of the connection and environment in which it is applied.


Who determines the size of the data packet configuration and the number of threads?

The library files default to a pre-set configuration. This may be changed when the plugins are placed in a player. They may be fixed or variable dependant on the requirements of the owners of the video player.


What logging is available on the use of Netpump Video across a network?

Various levels of logging are available from verbose to minimal (including fatal) and are maintained in a localised file.


Can Netpump Video operate in other internet protocol environments, such as using FTP, UDP or RDP ?

Netpump Data can be optimised to operate with other protocols, however the standard version is designed to operate on TCP only.


Can Netpump Video operate in other internet protocol environments, such as using FTP, UDP or RDP ?

Yes. To download independent testing conducted by the University of Technology, click here. To download independent testing conducted by Interactive, click here